What is an LMS ?

Know why your business requires an LMS and how you can scale it for better opportunities!

The LMS market is expected to grow from $9.2 billion in 2018 to $22.4 billion in 2023 at a CAGR of 19.6%. More and more companies are inclining toward choosing the learning management System as their means of providing training to employees, customers, and partners. The statistics clearly show us how different industries are adopting learning management systems for providing training or helping with the onboarding process.

When we hear of training, our mind goes to the traditional mode of classroom learning but things are now changing and LMS is aiding to bring this change.

With LMS, companies can connect audiences and trainers from anywhere in the world in real-time and through recorded courses. The software aids in both cohort and self-paced courses.  

But what exactly is a Learning Management System and how does it work? Let us see:  

What do we mean by LMS?

An LMS, or learning management system, is used to create, manage, and administer the learning resources to provide seamless training or onboarding experiences.

It is divided into two parts: an admin interface and the user interface.
The admin interface is handled by the manager, who handles all the backend work like maintaining and distributing the courses.
Another part of LMS is the user interface that runs into your browser. Through which the user can know what courses are allotted to them.