5 Most Important Functions of an LMS

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Functions of an LMS

The LMS (Learning Management System) has secured its place in almost all sectors. The extra edge that it provides enables the user to reach that extra mile. Its impact is widely visible throughout the industries where it’s in use. Broadly LMS can be categorized into two types- Academic LMS and Corporate LMS.

There are both common and specific functions to each of these. Academic LMS has its role in education. It’s been used by many universities. The basic agenda is to build the knowledge base and channel the human resource. Corporate LMS absorbs the resources that Academic LMS has provided. However, there are many additional functions that an LMS performs within Corporate LMS.

Here are some of the functions:


Training is the major component that is involved in any organization. It forms the foundation, the building block of any company. A skilled workforce and trained employees can significantly improve the company’s growth. There can be various types of training such as product training, sales training, compliance training, etc. A Corporate LMS is thus devised to integrate the various training that any organization would wish to impart to their employees.


Onboarding becomes tedious and time taking if not equipped with efficiency. The induction of new members to the business can vary in numbers. Sometimes there are bulk-hiring apart from the regular recruitments that keep taking place from time to time as per the requirements. This is one of the regular and inherited parts of the company. It is quite often seen that the process takes a long time and at the same time affects the day-to-day activity.

Here comes an innovative solution to this, that is Corporate LMS. with this onboarding becomes easy, quick, and effective. There would not be any delay to conduct the orientation. The usual procedure required a quorum to begin the orientation, induction, introduction, initial training, and a dedicated person hired to manage these personally.

This is not the case in LMS, here onboarding can be done from anyplace and anytime to any number of individuals. Thus the process becomes much more feasible in terms of both economics and administration.


Inbound Marketing is one function of LMS that has picked up speed in the present time. The prospects of LMS in terms of deriving engagement and productivity have further enriched the growth. The integrations that are available on the platforms help integrate the process both internally and externally. It can be linked to the internal calendars and various other social networks where the business is available.


This is one of the most important functions that an LMS performs. Management is the key to efficiency. There are a lot of processes that are conducted internally within an organization. Training, upskilling, onboarding, tracking performance, and others become hectic tasks if not followed in order. But with LMS this is a cakewalk.

With LMS the above-mentioned can be managed easily on one platform. This also keeps the employee engaged and makes the training interactive. Thus leading to more efficient learning.

Minimizing the cost

This is the best and the most important function or rather the most important service that an LMS provides. Undoubtedly there is a huge investment involved in the in-person training. From constructing physical infrastructure to establishing an IT infrastructure to incorporate all the needs.

A cumulative cost to all these amounts to a huge investment to the companies. LMS on the other hand differs significantly when it comes to cost-benefit analysis. The ROI remains on the higher side and thus contributing significantly to the company’s growth and success.

These are major functions that an LMS has.

Apart from these, LMS has various features such as community features, white-labeling, gamification, etc that can be leveraged. This gives it a more personalized and customized user experience. Better late than never, there are various LMS’s available in the market. This is a good time to identify the loopholes, set out objectives, needs, and requirements to find a compatible LMS.

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