How networking propels growth?   

3 min read

If you want to grow in your career or experience professional growth, networking is essential. But many people perceive it as a cheesy pitch to sell yourself; surely it is more than that.   

Networking not only propels growth for employees but also for recruiters who wish to see their company grow. In today’s scenario, when employee retention is extremely tough, helping your employees build a network can be a savior for you.   

With this article, we will understand why it is important to build your network and what the best tips are to follow. 

What is the significance of industry networking?   

Irrespective of the industry you are in, building a network is important to have a great career. Networking helps you build mutually beneficial relationships that help you grow your career exponentially.  

When you are building your career path, you might take help from different people to grow, and here, networking is required.   

Who you can include in your network?   

To maximize utilize the opportunities floating near you, you must also understand whom you have to include in your network. You can include:   

  • Your current and former colleagues   
  • Your classmates or study peers   
  • Your professors or teachers   
  • Member of relevant associations   
  • The peers from digital platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook.
  • The recruiters in your niche   
  • People met in external settings like social events, book fairs, etc.   

There are many ways wherein you can increase your network and it doesn’t need to come from your work circle. You can expand your network by connecting to the following people:   

  • You can join different industry associations or clubs   
  • Participating in conferences or events with the same niche or professional goals.   
  • Try to meet recruiters  
  • Expand your network through LinkedIn   
  • Try to join online groups or communities   

Benefits of building your network   

1. Strengthen your network business connections   

Networking helps you strengthen the professional relationships that will help you grow in your career further. Engaging with your potential network circle will help you strengthen your relationships.   

2. Your network can help you with ideas  

When you are stuck somewhere or need ideas for your business or career, you can utilize your work. You can call up someone and explain that you need help regarding the issue.   

Often people are flattered when they’re asked for help, also you find them helpful. Hence don’t hesitate to ask for help.   

3. Personal branding   

If you want to be successful today, you must build a personal brand. Networking aids in building a personal brand. Regularly attending the events will help people recognize you and further it will benefit you with the business.   

4. Access to better job opportunities   

Expanding your network can result in expanding opportunities. Actively participating in networking with people will help you build new opportunities.   

When you are actively building your network and your recruiters are hiring, it will give you an extra edge over others. The recruiters will remember your name and keep you above on their list while hiring.   

5. Learn from your network   

Social learning is one of the biggest assets you can earn right now. With the right kind of network, you can learn things that will help you grow in your career.   

Building knowledge in your niche will assist you in expanding your network. You can learn new techniques to make your tasks simpler.   

6. Improve your confidence   

When you are meeting new people, you are continuously stepping out of your comfort zone, which will help boost your confidence. The more connections you make, the better you will grow.   

7. Change your perspective   

With new people, you will be introduced to new perspectives as well. Hence, networking helps in expanding your network and gives you brand new perspectives of people. You can ask for the opinion of the people in your network and many times it helps in clearing the roadblocks that you have.   

How can you help your employees to network better?  

As a progressive company, you should help your employees to a network that will promote their personal growth and yours as a company. Let us see the ways that you can help your employees build a fruitful network:   

Internal networking strategies  
1. Create an atmosphere for networking   

Create collaboration spaces or break rooms where the employees can network internally. This will also promote team spirit among your employees and enhance their productivity.   

2. Have social gatherings   

You can have social gatherings from time to time to promote an internal network among the employees.   

3. Hold online networking   

This online networking can happen with the help of chat groups or community forums in training programs. Via networking during training, you can promote social learning that will help your participants understand better and improve retention.   

External networking strategies  
1. Support your employees to attend external meetings or conferences   

You should promote your employees to attend external events or courses. This will help them upskill, boost confidence and also network with like-minded people.   

2. You can have an event for local businesses   

Arranging a quiz night, a Halloween night, or any other event within your community will encourage the employees and help them relieve stress. The activities will promote networking with the external teams that will help promote your business as well.   

3. Professional Group   

You should maintain a professional group where all the discussions can happen. Everyone can give their opinions and this will help you build a new perspective altogether.   

4.Be transparent with your employees   

Discuss with your employees what are your goals and what are you expecting out of them. You must discuss with them your networking requirements.   

Benefits of networking   

  1. Better internal communications within your team will help in enhancing the productivity of the whole team.   
  1. An enjoyable environment helps in improving job satisfaction.   
  1. This improves employee retention as they will be building better career opportunities.   
  1. When ideas are shared, there is more innovation in a team.   

Happy networking!   

Yashika from Acadle

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